South Bay – December 2024

The conventional way to look at space is by cost and square footage. Here is a chart of South Bay Rents. The range is from $1.00 per foot up to $2.50 including property taxes (per square foot/month). When we measure rents, I generally include property taxes because they can be as much as 25% of the total rent.

Rent + Tax vs Listing Available SF

LAX normally has the highest rent because of proximity to LAX and West L.A. The larger buildings are generally in Carson/Compton. The smallest spaces are in Gardena.

Los Angeles Map

Many warehouse tenants measure cubic foot. They want to get the most cubic capacity for the lowest square foot price. Because they in turn will rent to their customers and will profit from on their cubic capacity. Amazon FBA is an example.

South Bay Year End - 2023 - Rent + Tax vs. Total Cubic Ft.
Rent+Tax vs. Total Cubic Ft.

The graph below shows the lowest cost per cubic foot. It turns out most of these buildings are newer and taller. Newer buildings support higher square foot rents if a developer can deliver a lower cubic cost.

Listing Available SF vs Cost Per Cubic Foot
Listing Available SF vs Cost Per Cubic Foot

We measure different criteria including ceiling height, power, loading. This chart shows the age of industrial buildings in the South Bay. You can see the bulk of construction was in the 1970’s to early 1980’s.

South Bay Year End 2023 - Listing Available SF vs Year Built
Listing Available SF vs Year Built

Listing Clear Height
Listing Clear Height

Listing Amps
Listing Amps

Docks per 10k SF
Docks per 10k SF

Total Cubic Foot
Total Cubic Foot