Update to MAPP Program – April 2015

I was at DFW not long ago and the connecting flight was cancelled. I persuaded the airline to book me the following day. In the meantime, I took what few big box listings I had and mapped them out to find where all the big industrial is located particularly new development. With my cell phone camera I drove around the greater Dallas area and geo-tagged all the locations. I think I did a pretty good job and probably caught 80% of the market. Not bad for less than a day. Below are the points I created.

dallas snipWhen you click on the dot it opens up the picture I took that also gives the x/y location. This picture is at Mountain Creek Parkway, one of the more beautiful industrial parks I’ve seen next to Mountain Creek Lake.

mountain creekFinally, I moved over to Grand Prairie because it is more built-out and a better area for demonstration purposes. I can highlight the parcels I want and export them into Salesforce to add to my large database of Big Industrial. All these steps combined create a pretty good way to find deals.

I can do this almost anywhere in the US and soon to be getting the data for Europe. Below is a recent trip to New Jersey I did over the winter looking for new, Big Industrial.

NJ SnipThis is a great tool to find deals. But another use is looking for ecommerce sites that are close to large package delivery depots and population densities. Speed and density are a couple of the primary data points when looking to situate ecommerce warehouses.