Update on December 22, 2015 – BatchGeo


The newest addition to the MAPP Program is a BatchGeo application that can take a list of properties from one large owner, an occupier, or an investor and immediately display ther locations on the map. This makes it easy to compare leased vs. owned properties and see the markets where their properties are loacted. We have also written a script that automatically returns the ownershp information for any given address. It automates a process that would normally take much longer by hand.

Here are a few examples:

  • AAA Refrigerated Warehouse Company
    (Note, nothing in Northwest and Texas with the potential to open in other parts of the U.S)

AAA Refrgi

  • Large Medical Drug Distributor
    (Almost in every major market with a few exceptions. Many warehouses are owned)

drug Dist

  • Close-up of Florida Location and Parcel Details


  • Dallas Location with Ownership Details


  • 3PL California Locations
    (Shows a fairly regular pattern in both Northern and Southern California; both infill and exurban markets. Mostly leased warehouses.)

3PL Cal

We have also started scraping ownership data in major markets. We have a script to simplify the process that would normally be done by interns. In tandem with the MAPP Program we are able to scrape the data for all Big Industrial nationwide for Property Owners, Occupiers, Land, Land Developers, and Investors. We’ve been able to create a large database we use to find off-market properties, vacant land for development, opportunities for investors to purchase. In many cases we can bring the Occupier forward at an early stage to minimize developer and investor risk while at the same time giving Occupiers a below market deal. By using the data and particularly targeting land and land development, there are many ways to structure investments in Big Industrial.

  • We started mapping Big Industrial in New Jersey

NJ Mapping

  • We have mostly completed mapping Big Industrial in Western Inland Empire

IE Mapping

  • Starting to Map Big Industrial in Dallas

mapping Dallas

It’s this data – mostly large industrial properties and occupiers – that serve as the basis of our marketing efforts. All records are stored and updated in one place. We are also able to produce some limited analytics at this time. Our main goal is to get the word out that we can find Big Industrial deals nationwide.