Using Spiders, Extractors, and Crawlers for Insights and Leads

Using Spiders, Extractors, and Crawlers for Insights and Leads

Spiders, Extractors, and Crawlers are all software tools that go out and search metadata to retrieve results that can be helpful to your business. They are often used to search for emails. One popular tool, once endorsed by Mike Lipsey, president of The Lipsey Company, is the eGrabber, a lead generation software. I’ve used it for many years but customers have become so overwhelmed that I question the effectiveness of HTML mail any longer. So far, the tool I use that tracks emails comes standard in Salesforce and counts the number of times your email has been opened. This provides metrics that can refine your marketing program.
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Jim Klein, SIOR, Interview on Last Mile

Jim Klein, SIOR, Interview on Last Mile

“Some e-commerce players use their warehouses much like they use computer servers,” Klein said. “They figure out what the best space is, what the most valuable space is, and they time it so it is more seasonal. And that’s the revolution that is coming. You can monetize your warehouses and get more rents by sharing it with different tenants than you can just by getting one tenant.”

Entire Article at Bisnow

and attached The Rise Of Urban Last-Mile Logistics Brings Warehouse Renovations And Higher Rents – Industrial

What Is Space Sharing?

What Is Space Sharing?

Space Sharing is a new version of a very old concept. An owner or occupant can put excess space up for rent and let tenants make flexible space commitments. Technology eases the sharing process with on-demand electronic exchanges and connected tools for measurement, accounting and security. Other variations of the same concept are Co-Working and Space as a Service (SaaS). All share the same goal of dividing space and time into smaller increments that can be charged out at flexible and generally, higher rates. It’s as simple as posting the Sharing Space and finding tenants to fill it.
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Industrial Building Outlook

Industrial Building Outlook

The popularity of investing in industrial buildings is due to several factors. It provides both steady income and high returns through redevelopment. Market fundamentals are supportive with a lack of space and rising rents. Industrial has a lower cost of operating than office and multi-family, a stable investment duration, provides diversification, and is supported by corporate credits. Industrial is the primary beneficiary as retailers shift attention to ecommerce and away from stores. Redeveloping older industrial stock, moving capital to where it’s needed, and better information will open a vast opportunity of great industrial investments.
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How To Make Deals For Big Industrial

How To Make Deals For Big Industrial


Whether you make one deal in a lifetime or several a year, Occupiers look at the Space Markets one dimensionally, fixed-in time, because they need to have doors open ASAP. Only available space will do. Most times, Occupiers do not have the luxury to leverage their space commitment on the investment side. A select few, mostly those who own their own business, use space commitments as an opportunity to increase personal net worth by turning rent expense into profit.
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What’s New For Gardena Industrial – Fall 2016

What’s New For Gardena Industrial – Fall 2016


The Space Market is on a different trajectory than the general economy. Industrial building prices have doubled since the Great Recession and are up over 20% from previous peaks. Rents are keeping pace and $1.00 per foot Gross for industrial in Gardena and greater South Bay is becoming the norm in many segments especially for smaller units and new, Class A Buildings. All other buildings, while renting for less, are still at all-time highs. Space shortages persist across the board. A disconnect exists between a real estate pricing surge and muddling economic conditions.
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