Despite relatively higher than normal industrial vacancies, Hard Tech companies are finding it increasingly difficult to find industrial space. Many Hard Tech companies require substantial electical power. They want a free-standing building they can secure to to receive U.S. Government clearance, more office space than is customarily provided by a spec developer, a large parking area, and a location to attract engineers. Many Hard Tech companies prefer El Segundo and neighboring beach communities because of its history of aerospace and defense manufacturing. But they will consider other locatons along the 405 corridor from LAX to Irvine, including Torrance, Long Beach and other location in Orange County. Some Hard Tech Companies will make the difficult to split their manufacturing from engineering because of the difficulty of finding the right building in the location they want. Other parts of Los Angeles that served machining centers in the past are located in Gardena/Carson and Commerce/Vernon.
When you break down the current property offerings based on power availability, you can see there are only a few offereings for each general size.