This is a great example of Creative Space. It comes from Industry City in Brooklyn and shows a 14,000 square foot space they currently have available. There are 120 desks which works out to 8.5 people for every 1000 square feet. It is the information factory of the future.

Industry City was kind enough to host us last year. As you can see the space is surrounded by windows and filled with light. There are many amenities on campus – food and fitness are primary ones. Location on the waterfront is also spectacular.

For those who like to read, Jennifer Egan’s new book, Manhattan Beach, takes place not far away at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. In that scene, the protagonist was a worker in a very similar space making uniforms in a garment factory. When you look at the site plan above, the primary difference is that the sewing machine has been replaced by the computer but the space is being used in almost the exact same way as it was 70 years before. The concept of space utilization has not changed, only the technology.