Where The Deals Are II

Where The Deals Are II

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Over the past year I have had the privilege of interviewing many of the top dealmakers in the industry. I moderated 3 panels and got to know many of the panelists individually. The dealmakers are mostly Senior Vice Presidents, Chief Executive Officers, or Chairmen from the top industrial REITS and national development companies. I pre-interviewed everyone and this is where I learned the most. I also had great personal interactions at the conferences and met many more developers in high places.
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I.CON ’15: The Industrial Conference

I.CON ’15: The Industrial Conference


I had an excellent experience this week attending NAIOP I.CON, the Industrial Conference that was held in Long Beach. I had a significant role co-leading the “Follow the Freight” Tour that took place around the Long Beach Harbor. But also moderated the kick-off panel with the biggest developers in the country. I gave it a humorous sports theme that made it a little different. Audio will be available shortly that I hope I will be able to post.
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