Over the summer we created a commercial real estate mapping application that combines the important commercial real estate information for Los Angeles County in one place. It is designed to help buyers, tenants, developers, and investors get a spatial view of the real estate commitment they are about to make. We call this map application MAPP 1.0.
MAPP 1.0 combines source data from the following areas:
- Parcel Data including all relevant Assesor information and shape files.
- Aerial Photography superimposed over the parcel data.
- A proprietary database containing all Tenant, Owner, and Available Property information.
- Zoning from the largest municipalities in the County (more is being added weekly).
- Special districtsthat allow for high density development.
- Custom fields describing the investment quality of the buildings, the potential for infill development, and field notes.
While additional source data is being added for more functionality, MAPP 1.0 can quickly identify the primary attributes of every property in Los Angeles County. The initial focus is being placed in our specialty areas of larger industrial buildings and infill development. Our 30 years of brokerage experience has demonstrated that sometimes the perfect property is listed on the open market, however more times than not, it takes searching the off-market to locate the more perfect opportunities. For instance, MAPP 1.0 can locate all development sites within 500’ of a Metro Rail stop and determine the likelihood of a purchase. We can identify every rail-served parcel in the County for those businesses that require rail service. MAPP 1.0 can find older teardown properties that are ready for redevelopment. For marketing property, if you have a 100,000 square foot building, we can locate every tenant in a smaller building and quickly generate a list of prospective tenants.
While we are immediately working on upgrading MAPP 1.0, we have developed a unique and powerful real estate app. We would like to demonstrate MAPP 1.0 and put it, and us, to work for your next commercial real estate decision.